Socio-environmental action


The Terra Luminous Socio-environmental Institute has been working since 2016 on the preservation and regeneration of the Atlantic Rainforest through research, educational programs, ecological management of resources and waste, strategic coordination, and the promotion of regenerative culture. Our main goal is the sustainable development of the region, located in an area of high environmental sensitivity, so that its residents can live in harmony with the forest and become agents of its biodiversity expansion.

Our mission is to “Regenerate the relationship between humans, themselves, others, and nature, while protecting the Atlantic Rainforest.”

ITL and the Conservation of Atlantic Rainforest Biodiversity

Where We Are

ITL is located in the watershed with the highest water availability in the state of São Paulo, in Juquitiba, adjacent to the Serra do Mar State Park (PESM Itariru Nucleus). The region is home to endangered species such as the jaguar, tapir, and juçara palm, and it boasts one of the highest levels of plant biodiversity in Brazil, with 163 cataloged forest species.

Strategic Location

in the Provision of Ecosystem Services*:


*Benefits that natural ecosystems provide to humans and the environment, essential for our survival and well-being. These encompass climate regulation, provision of clean water and food, pollination of crops, disease control, and air purification, among others.

Territory preservation

We protect an area of 339 hectares of Atlantic Forest, including 44 hectares of Permanent Protection Areas (PPAs), 15 springs, and 13 streams. Our goal is to establish an ecological corridor of over 1,200 hectares by 2025 through the Green Belt Itariru Program.

Wildlife monitoring

Since 2021, we have implemented forest monitoring cameras and conducted seasonal campaigns for active search of wildlife traces. We have already identified nine species under threat of extinction or vulnerable and confirmed the high incidence of felines such as jaguars, ocelots, and margay cats. In total, we have identified 222 species of birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals in our territory.

Environmental education

In 2023, the EcoLab Atlantic Forest will serve 1,230 students and 250 educators from seven public schools in Juquitiba. The program provides support and guidance to enhance the connection to environmental issues in the territory through experiences and educational materials.

Research in strategic areas

Our Center for Research and Environmental Monitoring of the Atlantic Forest (CPMAMA) conducts studies on fauna, flora, fungi, water, health, and social dynamics. More than 40 researchers from various universities and institutes, such as EESC/USP, ESALQ/USP, and IPA, are involved.


We work with a sustainable development agenda in the Juquitiba region to promote a forest-based economy. This includes monitoring and influencing public entities, mobilizing civil society, engaging private organizations, and providing training for the local community.



Develop economic solutions for a standing forest


Promote regenerative culture


Protect the watershed and enhance biodiversity within the territory

Explore our main ongoing socio-environmental programs:

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